
  • 비밀번호 암호화 방식
    SpringFrameWork/Spring 프로젝트 할때 참고 하면 좋은것들 2022. 10. 1. 10:09

    프로젝트할때 필수적인 암호화 방식 정리

    1. 키를 이용한 숫자 암호화 방식

    	public String passCheck1Post(long pwd, Model model) {
    		// 암호화를 위한 키 : 0x1234ABCD
    		long key = 0x1234ABCD;
    		long encPwd, decPwd;
    		encPwd = pwd ^ key;    // 암호화 : DB에 저장시켜준다.
    		decPwd = encPwd ^ key;    // 복호화
    		return "/";


    2. 키를 이용한 숫자,문자 암호화 방식

    	public String passCheck2Post(String pwd, Model model) {
    		// 입력문자가 영문 소문자일경우는 대문자로 변경처리(연산시에 자리수 Over 때문에...)
    		pwd = pwd.toUpperCase();
    		// 입력된 비밀번호를 아스키코드로 변환하여 누적처리
    		long intPwd;
    		String strPwd = "";
    		for(int i=0; i<pwd.length(); i++) {
    			intPwd = (long) pwd.charAt(i);
    			strPwd += intPwd;
    		// 문자로 결합된 숫자를, 연산하기위해 다시 숫자로 변환한다.
    		intPwd = Long.parseLong(strPwd);
    		// 암호화를 위한 키 : 0x1234ABCD
    		long key = 0x1234ABCD;
    		long encPwd, decPwd;
    		// 암호화를 위한 EOR 연산하기
    		encPwd = intPwd ^ key;
    		strPwd = String.valueOf(encPwd);  // 암호화 : DB에 저장시켜준다.
    		model.addAttribute("encPwd", strPwd);	// 암호화된 문자...
    		// 복호화 작업처리
    		intPwd = Long.parseLong(strPwd);
    		decPwd = intPwd ^ key;
    		strPwd = String.valueOf(decPwd);
    		// 복호화된 문자형식의 아스키코드값을 2개씩 분류하여 실제문자로 변환해준다.
    		String result = "";
    		char ch;
    		for(int i=0; i<strPwd.length(); i+=2) {
    			ch = (char) Integer.parseInt(strPwd.substring(i, i+2));
    			result += ch;
    		return "/";

    3. ARIA를 이용한 암호화 방식


    ARIA에 대하여

    ARIA는 경량 환경 및 하드웨어 구현을 위해 최적화된, Involutional SPN 구조를 갖는 범용블록 암호알고리즘이다.
    ARIA가 사용하는 대부분의 연산은 XOR과 같은 단순한 바이트단위 연산으로 구성되어 있으며, 블록크기는 128bit이다.
    ARIA라는 이름은 Academy(학계), Research Institute(연구소), Agency(정부기관)의 첫글자를 딴것으로, ARIA개발에 참여한 '학/연/관'의 공동 노력을 표현하고 있다.
    ARIA암호화는 복호화가 가능하다.


    	public String ariaPost(String pwd) {
    		String encPwd = "";
    		String decPwd = "";
    		try {
    			encPwd = ARIAUtil.ariaEncrypt(pwd);
    			decPwd = ARIAUtil.ariaDecrypt(encPwd);
    		} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
    		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    		pwd = "Encoding : " + encPwd + " / Decoding : " + decPwd;
    		return pwd;

    4. BCryptPasswordEncoder 이용한 암호화



        - 스프링 시큐리티(Spring Security) 프레임워크에서 제공하는 클래스중 하나로 비밀번호를 암호화 하는데 사용함.
        자바 서버개발을 위해 필요한 인증/권한부여 및 기타 보안기능을 제공해주는 프래임워크이다.
        - BCryptPasswordEncoder는 BCrypt해싱함수(BCrypt hashing function)를 사용하여 비밀번호를 인코딩해주는 메서드와
        사용자에 의해 제출된 비밀번호와 저장소에 저장된 비밀번호의 일치여부를 확인해주는 메서드를 제공한다.
        - PasswordEncoder 인터페이스를 구현한 클래스이다.
        - encode(java.lang.CharSequence) :
          패스워드 암호화 해주는 메소드이다. 반환타입은 String이다.
          encode()메서드는 sha-1, 8바이트로 결합된 해시키를 랜덤하게 생성된 솔트(salt)를 지원한다.
        - matchers(java.lang.CharSequence)
          제출된 인코딩 되지 않은 패스워드의 일치여부를 판단하기위해 인코딩된 패스워드와 비교 판단한다.
          반환타입은 boolean이다.

    	BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
       	public String securityCheckPost(String pwd) {
    		String encPwd = "";	
    		encPwd = passwordEncoder.encode(pwd);		
    		pwd = "Encoding : " + encPwd + " / Source Password : " + pwd;		
    		return pwd;

    비밀번호를 쓰기위한 코드


     * 전자정부 제공 ARIAUTIL
     * ARIAUtil
    //package crdf.regi.egov.security;
    package com.spring.javagreenS.common;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
    import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
    public class ARIAUtil {
    	public static String ariaEncrypt(String str, String privateKey) 
    			throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    		if (str==null || str.equals("")) return "";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		p = new byte[str.getBytes().length]; 
    		p = str.getBytes();
    		int len = str.getBytes().length;
    		if ((len % 16) != 0) {
    			len = (len / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		c = new byte[len];
    		System.arraycopy(p, 0, c, 0, p.length);
    		instance.encrypt(p, c, p.length);
    		return ARIAEngine.byteArrayToHex(c).toUpperCase();
    	 * @param privateKey
    	 * @param src
    	 * @param dest
    	 * @throws IOException
    	 * @throws InvalidKeyException
    	 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    	public static void ariaFileEncrypt(String privateKey, String src, String dest) 
    	throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    		File f = new File(src); 
    		FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(src);
    		long length = f.length();
    		byte[] b = new byte[(int)length];
    		try {
    			int offset = 0;
    			int numRead = 0;
    			while (offset < b.length && (numRead=fis.read(b, offset, b.length-offset)) >= 0) {
    				offset += numRead;
    			if (offset < b.length) {
    				throw new IOException(f.getName());
    		} finally{
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		int len = b.length;
    		if ((len % 16) != 0) {
    			len = (len / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		byte[] c = new byte[len];
    		System.arraycopy(b, 0, c, 0, b.length);
    		instance.encrypt(b, c, b.length);
    		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dest);
    		try {
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    		} finally {
    			try {
    			} catch (IOException e) {}
    	 *Aria 복호화
    	public static String ariaDecrypt(String strHex, String privateKey) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException  {
    		if (strHex==null || strHex.equals("")) return "";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		c = ARIAEngine.hexToByteArray(strHex);
    		p = new byte[c.length];
    		instance.decrypt(c, p, p.length);
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    		buf.append(new String(p));
    		return buf.toString().trim();
    	public static void ariaFileDecrypt(String privateKey, String src, String dest) 
    	throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    		File f = new File(src); 
    		FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(src);
    		long length = f.length();
    		byte[] b = new byte[(int)length];
    		try {
    			int offset = 0;
    			int numRead = 0;
    			while (offset < b.length && (numRead=fis.read(b, offset, b.length-offset)) >= 0) {
    				offset += numRead;
    			if (offset < b.length) {
    				throw new IOException(f.getName());
    		} finally{
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		int len = b.length;
    		if ((len % 16) != 0) {
    			len = (len / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		byte[] c = new byte[len];
    		System.arraycopy(b, 0, c, 0, b.length);
    		instance.decrypt(b, c, b.length);
    		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dest); 
    		try {
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    		} finally {
    			try {
    			} catch (IOException e) {}
    	private static String makeMasterKey(String str) {
    		String appendStr = "Naravision KebiPortal Solution";
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    		return buf.substring(0,32);
    	 *Aria 기본 복호화
    	public static String ariaDecrypt(String strHex) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException  {
    		String originalData = strHex;
    		if (strHex==null || strHex.equals("")) return "";
    		StringBuffer buf = null;
    		try {
    			String privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    			byte[] p;
    			byte[] c;
    			ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    			c = hexToByteArray(strHex);
    			p = new byte[c.length];
    			instance.decrypt(c, p, p.length);
    			buf = new StringBuffer();
    			buf.append(new String(p));
    			return buf.toString().trim();
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			return originalData;
    	*aria 기본 암호화
    	public static String ariaEncrypt(String str) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    		if (str==null || str.equals("")) return "";
    		String privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		p = new byte[str.getBytes().length];
    		p = str.getBytes();
    		int len = str.getBytes().length;
    		if ((len % 16) != 0) {
    			len = (len / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		c = new byte[len];
    		System.arraycopy(p, 0, c, 0, p.length);
    		instance.encrypt(p, c, p.length);
    		return byteArrayToHex(c).toUpperCase();
    	*캐릭터셋 변경 암호화
    	public static String ariaCharEncrypt(String str, String charset) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    		if (str==null || str.equals("")) return "";
    		String privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		p = new byte[str.getBytes(charset).length];
    		p = str.getBytes(charset);
    		int len = str.getBytes(charset).length;
    		if ((len % 16) != 0) {
    			len = (len / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		c = new byte[len];
    		System.arraycopy(p, 0, c, 0, p.length);
    		instance.encrypt(p, c, p.length);
    		return byteArrayToHex(c).toUpperCase();
    	*캐릭터셋 변경 암호화
    	*(서버타입설정 열람서버 : read, 등록관리서버 : regi)
    	public static String ariaCharEncrypt(String str, String charset, String server) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    		if (str==null || str.equals("")) return "";
    		String privateKey = "";
    		if(server.equals("regi")) privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		else privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		p = new byte[str.getBytes(charset).length];
    		p = str.getBytes(charset);
    		int len = str.getBytes(charset).length;
    		if ((len % 16) != 0) {
    			len = (len / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		c = new byte[len];
    		System.arraycopy(p, 0, c, 0, p.length);
    		instance.encrypt(p, c, p.length);
    		return byteArrayToHex(c).toUpperCase();
    	 *Aria 캐릭터셋 변경 복호화
    	public static String ariaCharDecrypt(String strHex,  String charset) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException  {
    		if (strHex==null || strHex.equals("")) return "";
    		String privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		c = hexToByteArray(strHex);
    		p = new byte[c.length];
    		instance.decrypt(c, p, p.length);
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    		buf.append(new String(p,charset));
    		return buf.toString().trim();
    	 *Aria 캐릭터셋 변경 복호화
    	 *(서버타입설정 열람서버 : read, 등록관리서버 : regi)
    	public static String ariaCharDecrypt(String strHex,  String charset, String server) 
    	throws InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException  {
    		if (strHex==null || strHex.equals("")) return "";
    		String privateKey = "";
    		if(server.equals("regi")) privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		else privateKey = "dkaghghkzl@l";
    		byte[] p;
    		byte[] c;
    		ARIAEngine instance = new ARIAEngine(256, privateKey);
    		c = hexToByteArray(strHex);
    		p = new byte[c.length];
    		instance.decrypt(c, p, p.length);
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    		buf.append(new String(p,charset));
    		return buf.toString().trim();
    	// hex to byte[] 
    	public static byte[] hexToByteArray(String hex) { 
    		if (hex == null || hex.length() == 0) { 
    			return null; 
    		byte[] ba = new byte[hex.length() / 2]; 
    		for (int i = 0; i < ba.length; i++) { 
    			ba[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(2 * i, 2 * i + 2), 16); 
    		return ba; 
    	// byte[] to hex 
    	public static String byteArrayToHex(byte[] ba) { 
    		if (ba == null || ba.length == 0) { 
    			return null; 
    		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(ba.length * 2); 
    		String hexNumber; 
    		for (int x = 0; x < ba.length; x++) { 
    			hexNumber = "0" + Integer.toHexString(0xff & ba[x]); 
    			sb.append(hexNumber.substring(hexNumber.length() - 2)); 
    		return sb.toString(); 


    //  ARIA.java
    //  A pure Java implementation of ARIA 
    //  following the official ARIA specification at
    //package crdf.regi.egov.security;
    package com.spring.javagreenS.common;
    import java.io.PrintStream;
    import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
    class ARIAEngine {
    	private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {
    	private static final int[][] KRK = {
    		{0x517cc1b7, 0x27220a94, 0xfe13abe8, 0xfa9a6ee0},
    		{0x6db14acc, 0x9e21c820, 0xff28b1d5, 0xef5de2b0},
    		{0xdb92371d, 0x2126e970, 0x03249775, 0x04e8c90e}
    	private static final byte[] S1 = new byte[256];
    	private static final byte[] S2 = new byte[256];
    	private static final byte[] X1 = new byte[256];
    	private static final byte[] X2 = new byte[256];
    	private static final int[] TS1 = new int[256];
    	private static final int[] TS2 = new int[256];
    	private static final int[] TX1 = new int[256];
    	private static final int[] TX2 = new int[256];
    	private String publicKey = "CREDIF_MASTERKEY";
    	private String privateKey = "";
    	// Static initializer.  For setting up the tables
    	static {
    		int[] exp = new int[256];
    		int[] log =  new int[256];
    		exp[0] = 1;
    		for (int i=1; i < 256; i++) {
    			int j = (exp[i-1] << 1) ^ exp[i-1];
    			if ((j & 0x100) != 0) j ^= 0x11b;
    			exp[i] = j;
    		for (int i=1; i < 255; i++)
    			log[exp[i]] = i;
    		int[][] A = {
    				{1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1},
    				{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    				{1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1},
    				{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1},
    				{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
    				{0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0},
    				{0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0},
    				{0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
    		int[][] B = {
    				{0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0},
    				{0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1},
    				{1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    				{1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1},
    				{0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
    				{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
    				{0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1},
    				{1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1}
    		for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
    			int t=0, p;
    			if (i==0)
    			for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
    				int s=0;
    				for (int k=0; k<8; k++) {
    					if (((p>>>(7-k))&0x01)!=0)
    		for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    			int t = 0, p;
    			if (i==0)
    			for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
    				int s = 0;
    				for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
    					if (((p >>> k) & 0x01) != 0)
    						s ^= B[7-j][k];
    				t = (t << 1) ^ s;
    			S2[i] = (byte) t;
    			X2[t] = (byte) i;
    		for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    	private int keySize=0;
    	private int numberOfRounds=0;
    	private byte[] masterKey=null;
    	private int[] encRoundKeys=null, decRoundKeys=null; 
    	public ARIAEngine(int keySize) throws InvalidKeyException {
    	 * Resets the class so that it can be reused for another master key.
    	void reset() {
    	int getKeySize() {
    		return this.keySize;
    	void setKeySize(int keySize) throws InvalidKeyException {
    		if (keySize!=128 && keySize!=192 && keySize!=256)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("keySize="+keySize);
    		this.keySize = keySize;
    		switch (keySize) {
    		case 128:
    			this.numberOfRounds = 12;
    		case 192:
    			this.numberOfRounds = 14;
    		case 256:
    			this.numberOfRounds = 16;
    	void setKey(byte[] masterKey) throws InvalidKeyException {
    		if (masterKey.length*8<keySize)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("masterKey size="+masterKey.length);
    		this.decRoundKeys = null;
    		this.encRoundKeys = null;
    		this.masterKey = (byte[])masterKey.clone();
    	void setupEncRoundKeys() throws InvalidKeyException {
    		if (this.keySize==0)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("keySize");
    		if (this.masterKey==null)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("masterKey");
    		if (this.encRoundKeys==null)
    			this.encRoundKeys = new int[4*(this.numberOfRounds+1)];
    		this.decRoundKeys = null;
    		doEncKeySetup(this.masterKey, this.encRoundKeys, this.keySize);
    	void setupDecRoundKeys() throws InvalidKeyException {
    		if (this.keySize==0)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("keySize");
    		if (this.encRoundKeys==null)
    			if (this.masterKey==null)
    				throw new InvalidKeyException("masterKey");
    		this.decRoundKeys = (int[])encRoundKeys.clone();
    		doDecKeySetup(this.masterKey, this.decRoundKeys, this.keySize);
    	void setupRoundKeys() throws InvalidKeyException {
    	private static void doCrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset, int[] rk, int nr, byte[] o, int ooffset) {
    		int t0, t1, t2, t3, j=0;
    		t0 = toInt(i[ 0+ioffset], i[ 1+ioffset], i[ 2+ioffset], i[ 3+ioffset]);
    		t1 = toInt(i[ 4+ioffset], i[ 5+ioffset], i[ 6+ioffset], i[ 7+ioffset]);
    		t2 = toInt(i[ 8+ioffset], i[ 9+ioffset], i[10+ioffset], i[11+ioffset]);
    		t3 = toInt(i[12+ioffset], i[13+ioffset], i[14+ioffset], i[15+ioffset]);
    		for (int r=1; r<nr/2; r++) {
    			t0^=rk[j++]; t1^=rk[j++]; t2^=rk[j++]; t3^=rk[j++];
    			t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    			t1=badc(t1); t2=cdab(t2); t3=dcba(t3);
    			t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    			t0^=rk[j++]; t1^=rk[j++]; t2^=rk[j++]; t3^=rk[j++];
    			t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    			t3=badc(t3); t0=cdab(t0); t1=dcba(t1);        
    			t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t0^=rk[j++]; t1^=rk[j++]; t2^=rk[j++]; t3^=rk[j++];
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t1=badc(t1); t2=cdab(t2); t3=dcba(t3);
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t0^=rk[j++]; t1^=rk[j++]; t2^=rk[j++]; t3^=rk[j++]; 
    		o[ 0+ooffset] = (byte)(X1[0xff&(t0>>>24)] ^ (rk[j  ]>>>24));
    		o[ 1+ooffset] = (byte)(X2[0xff&(t0>>>16)] ^ (rk[j  ]>>>16));
    		o[ 2+ooffset] = (byte)(S1[0xff&(t0>>> 8)] ^ (rk[j  ]>>> 8));
    		o[ 3+ooffset] = (byte)(S2[0xff&(t0     )] ^ (rk[j  ]     ));
    		o[ 4+ooffset] = (byte)(X1[0xff&(t1>>>24)] ^ (rk[j+1]>>>24));
    		o[ 5+ooffset] = (byte)(X2[0xff&(t1>>>16)] ^ (rk[j+1]>>>16));
    		o[ 6+ooffset] = (byte)(S1[0xff&(t1>>> 8)] ^ (rk[j+1]>>> 8));
    		o[ 7+ooffset] = (byte)(S2[0xff&(t1     )] ^ (rk[j+1]     ));
    		o[ 8+ooffset] = (byte)(X1[0xff&(t2>>>24)] ^ (rk[j+2]>>>24));
    		o[ 9+ooffset] = (byte)(X2[0xff&(t2>>>16)] ^ (rk[j+2]>>>16));
    		o[10+ooffset] = (byte)(S1[0xff&(t2>>> 8)] ^ (rk[j+2]>>> 8));
    		o[11+ooffset] = (byte)(S2[0xff&(t2     )] ^ (rk[j+2]     ));
    		o[12+ooffset] = (byte)(X1[0xff&(t3>>>24)] ^ (rk[j+3]>>>24));
    		o[13+ooffset] = (byte)(X2[0xff&(t3>>>16)] ^ (rk[j+3]>>>16));
    		o[14+ooffset] = (byte)(S1[0xff&(t3>>> 8)] ^ (rk[j+3]>>> 8));
    		o[15+ooffset] = (byte)(S2[0xff&(t3     )] ^ (rk[j+3]     ));
    	void encrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset, byte[] o, int ooffset) throws InvalidKeyException {
    		if (this.keySize==0)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("keySize");
    		if (this.encRoundKeys==null)
    			if (this.masterKey==null)
    				throw new InvalidKeyException("masterKey");
    		doCrypt(i, ioffset, this.encRoundKeys, this.numberOfRounds, o, ooffset);
    	byte[] encrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset) throws InvalidKeyException {
    		byte[] o = new byte[16];
    		this.encrypt(i, ioffset, o, 0);
    		return o;
    	public void decrypt(byte cipher[], byte plain[], int size)
    	throws InvalidKeyException {
    		int iLoop = size / 16;
    		int offset = 0;
    		for (int i = 0; i < iLoop; i++) {
    			decrypt(cipher, offset, plain, offset);
    			offset += 16;
    	void decrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset, byte[] o, int ooffset) throws InvalidKeyException {
    		if (this.keySize==0)
    			throw new InvalidKeyException("keySize");
    		if (this.decRoundKeys==null)
    			if (this.masterKey==null)
    				throw new InvalidKeyException("masterKey");
    		doCrypt(i, ioffset, this.decRoundKeys, this.numberOfRounds, o, ooffset);
    	byte[] decrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset) throws InvalidKeyException {
    		byte[] o = new byte[16];
    		this.decrypt(i, ioffset, o, 0);
    		return o;
    	private static void doEncKeySetup(byte[] mk, int[] rk, int keyBits) {      
    		int t0, t1, t2, t3, q, j=0;
    		int[] w0 = new int[4];
    		int[] w1 = new int[4];
    		int[] w2 = new int[4];
    		int[] w3 = new int[4];
    		w0[0] = toInt(mk[ 0], mk[ 1], mk[ 2], mk[ 3]);
    		w0[1] = toInt(mk[ 4], mk[ 5], mk[ 6], mk[ 7]);
    		w0[2] = toInt(mk[ 8], mk[ 9], mk[10], mk[11]);
    		w0[3] = toInt(mk[12], mk[13], mk[14], mk[15]);
    		q = (keyBits - 128) / 64;
    		t0=w0[0]^KRK[q][0]; t1=w0[1]^KRK[q][1];
    		t2=w0[2]^KRK[q][2]; t3=w0[3]^KRK[q][3];  
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t1=badc(t1); t2=cdab(t2); t3=dcba(t3);
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		if (keyBits > 128) {
    			w1[0] = toInt(mk[16], mk[17], mk[18], mk[19]);
    			w1[1] = toInt(mk[20], mk[21], mk[22], mk[23]);
    			if (keyBits > 192) {
    				w1[2] = toInt(mk[24], mk[25], mk[26], mk[27]);
    				w1[3] = toInt(mk[28], mk[29], mk[30], mk[31]);
    			} else {
    		} else {
    		w1[0]^=t0; w1[1]^=t1; w1[2]^=t2; w1[3]^=t3;
    		t0=w1[0];  t1=w1[1];  t2=w1[2];  t3=w1[3];
    		q = (q==2)? 0 : (q+1);
    		t0^=KRK[q][0]; t1^=KRK[q][1]; t2^=KRK[q][2]; t3^=KRK[q][3];
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t3=badc(t3); t0=cdab(t0); t1=dcba(t1);        
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t0^=w0[0]; t1^=w0[1]; t2^=w0[2]; t3^=w0[3];
    		w2[0]=t0; w2[1]=t1; w2[2]=t2; w2[3]=t3;
    		q = (q==2)? 0 : (q+1);
    		t0^=KRK[q][0]; t1^=KRK[q][1]; t2^=KRK[q][2]; t3^=KRK[q][3];
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t1=badc(t1); t2=cdab(t2); t3=dcba(t3);
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		w3[0]=t0^w1[0]; w3[1]=t1^w1[1]; w3[2]=t2^w1[2]; w3[3]=t3^w1[3];
    		gsrk(w0, w1, 19, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w1, w2, 19, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w2, w3, 19, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w3, w0, 19, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w0, w1, 31, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w1, w2, 31, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w2, w3, 31, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w3, w0, 31, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w0, w1, 67, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w1, w2, 67, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w2, w3, 67, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w3, w0, 67, rk, j); j+=4;
    		gsrk(w0, w1, 97, rk, j); j+=4;
    		if (keyBits > 128) {  
    			gsrk(w1, w2, 97, rk, j); j+=4;
    			gsrk(w2, w3, 97, rk, j); j+=4;
    		if (keyBits > 192) {
    			gsrk(w3, w0,  97, rk, j); j+=4;
    			gsrk(w0, w1, 109, rk, j);
    	 * Main bulk of the decryption key setup method.  Here we assume that
    	 * the int array rk already contains the encryption round keys.
    	 * @param mk the master key
    	 * @param rk the array which contains the encryption round keys at the
    	 * beginning of the method execution.  At the end of method execution
    	 * this will hold the decryption round keys.
    	 * @param keyBits the length of the master key
    	 * @return
    	private static void doDecKeySetup(byte[] mk, int[] rk, int keyBits) {
    		int a=0, z;
    		int[] t = new int[4];
    		swapBlocks(rk, 0, z);
    		a+=4; z-=4;
    		for (; a<z; a+=4, z-=4)
    			swapAndDiffuse(rk, a, z, t);
    		diff(rk, a, t, 0);
    		rk[a]=t[0]; rk[a+1]=t[1]; rk[a+2]=t[2]; rk[a+3]=t[3];
    	private static int toInt(byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) {
    		return (b0&0xff)<<24 ^ (b1&0xff)<<16 ^ (b2&0xff)<<8 ^ b3&0xff;
    	private static void toByteArray(int i, byte[] b, int offset) {
    		b[offset  ] = (byte)(i>>>24);
    		b[offset+1] = (byte)(i>>>16);
    		b[offset+2] = (byte)(i>>> 8);
    		b[offset+3] = (byte)(i     );
    	private static int m(int t) {
    		return 0x00010101*((t>>>24)&0xff) ^ 0x01000101*((t>>>16)&0xff) ^ 
    		0x01010001*((t>>>8)&0xff) ^ 0x01010100*(t&0xff);
    	private static final int badc(int t) {
    		return ((t<<8)&0xff00ff00) ^ ((t>>>8)&0x00ff00ff);
    	private static final int cdab(int t) {
    		return ((t<<16)&0xffff0000) ^ ((t>>>16)&0x0000ffff);
    	private static final int dcba(int t) {
    		return (t&0x000000ff)<<24 ^ (t&0x0000ff00)<<8 ^ (t&0x00ff0000)>>>8 ^ (t&0xff000000)>>>24;
    	private static final void gsrk(int[] x, int[] y, int rot, int[] rk, int offset) {
    		int q=4-(rot/32), r=rot%32, s=32-r;
    		rk[offset]   = x[0] ^ y[(q  )%4]>>>r ^ y[(q+3)%4]<<s;
    		rk[offset+1] = x[1] ^ y[(q+1)%4]>>>r ^ y[(q  )%4]<<s;
    		rk[offset+2] = x[2] ^ y[(q+2)%4]>>>r ^ y[(q+1)%4]<<s;
    		rk[offset+3] = x[3] ^ y[(q+3)%4]>>>r ^ y[(q+2)%4]<<s;
    	private static final void diff(int[] i, int offset1, int[] o, int offset2) {
    		int t0, t1, t2, t3;
    		t0=m(i[offset1]); t1=m(i[offset1+1]); t2=m(i[offset1+2]); t3=m(i[offset1+3]);         
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		t1=badc(t1); t2=cdab(t2); t3=dcba(t3);
    		t1^=t2; t2^=t3; t0^=t1; t3^=t1; t2^=t0; t1^=t2;
    		o[offset2]=t0; o[offset2+1]=t1; o[offset2+2]=t2; o[offset2+3]=t3;
    	private static final void swapBlocks(int[] arr, int offset1, int offset2) {
    		int t;
    		for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    			t = arr[offset1+i];
    			arr[offset1+i] = arr[offset2+i];
    			arr[offset2+i] = t;
    	private static final void swapAndDiffuse(int[] arr, int offset1, int offset2, int[] tmp) {
    		diff(arr, offset1, tmp, 0);
    		diff(arr, offset2, arr, offset1);
    		arr[offset2]=tmp[0]; arr[offset2+1]=tmp[1]; 
    		arr[offset2+2]=tmp[2]; arr[offset2+3]=tmp[3];
    	private static void byteToHex(PrintStream out, byte b) {
    		char[] buf = {
    				HEX_DIGITS[(b >>> 4) & 0x0F],
    				HEX_DIGITS[ b        & 0x0F]
    		out.print(new String(buf));    
    	private static void intToHex(PrintStream out, int i) {
    		byte[] b = new byte[4];
    		toByteArray(i, b, 0);
    		byteToHex(out, b[0]);
    		byteToHex(out, b[1]);
    		byteToHex(out, b[2]);
    		byteToHex(out, b[3]);
    	private static void printRoundKeys(PrintStream out, int[] roundKeys) {
    		for (int i=0; i<roundKeys.length; ) { out.print("* ");
    		intToHex(out, roundKeys[i++]); out.print(" ");
    		intToHex(out, roundKeys[i++]); out.print(" ");
    		intToHex(out, roundKeys[i++]); out.print(" ");
    		intToHex(out, roundKeys[i++]); out.print(" \n");
    	public int getBufferSize(int size) {
    		if (size % 16 != 0)
    			size = (size / 16 + 1) * 16;
    		return size;
    	public void encrypt(byte plain[], byte cipher[], int size)throws InvalidKeyException {
    		int len = getBufferSize(size);
    		int iLoop = len / 16;
    		int iMod = size % 16;
    		int iCopySize = 16;
    		int offset = 0;
    		byte in[] = new byte[16];
    		for (int i = 0; i < iLoop; i++) {
    			if (i >= iLoop - 1)
    				if (iMod == 0)
    					iCopySize = 16;
    					iCopySize = iMod;
    			for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
    				in[j] = 0;
    			System.arraycopy(plain, offset, in, 0, iCopySize);
    			encrypt(in, 0, cipher, offset);
    			offset += iCopySize;
    	/* hex to byte[] convert */
    	public static byte[] hexToByteArray(String hex) { 
    		if (hex == null || hex.length() == 0) { 
    			return null; 
    		byte[] ba = new byte[hex.length() / 2]; 
    		for (int i = 0; i < ba.length; i++) { 
    			ba[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(2 * i, 2 * i + 2), 16); 
    		return ba; 
    	/* byte to hexa convert */
    	public static String byteArrayToHex(byte[] ba) { 
    		if (ba == null || ba.length == 0) { 
    			return null; 
    		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(ba.length * 2); 
    		String hexNumber; 
    		for (int x = 0; x < ba.length; x++) { 
    			hexNumber = "0" + Integer.toHexString(0xff & ba[x]); 
    			sb.append(hexNumber.substring(hexNumber.length() - 2)); 
    		return sb.toString(); 
    	public ARIAEngine(int keySize, String privateKey)throws InvalidKeyException {
    		this.keySize = 0;
    		numberOfRounds = 0;
    		masterKey = null;
    		encRoundKeys = null;
    		decRoundKeys = null;
    		byte[] mk = new byte[32];
    		this.privateKey = privateKey;
    		byte[] p1Key = this.publicKey.getBytes();
    		System.arraycopy(p1Key, 0, mk, 0, p1Key.length);
    		byte[] p2Key = new byte[32];
    		byte[] mk2 = new byte[32];
    		byte[] privateKeyByte = privateKey.getBytes();
    		if (privateKeyByte.length > 32) {
    			System.arraycopy(privateKeyByte, 0, mk2, 0, 32);
    		} else {
    			System.arraycopy(privateKeyByte, 0, mk2, 0, privateKeyByte.length);
    		byte[] makeKey = new byte[32];
    		this.encrypt(mk2, makeKey, mk2.length);
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidKeyException {
     * Frontend class ARIA
     * Currently, it provides only a simple text.*/


    package com.spring.javagreenS.common;
    import java.security.MessageDigest;
    import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
    public class SecurityUtil {
    	public String encryptSHA256(String str){
        String sha = "";
           MessageDigest sh = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
           byte byteData[] = sh.digest();
           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
           for(int i = 0 ; i < byteData.length ; i++){
               sb.append(Integer.toString((byteData[i]&0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
           sha = sb.toString();
       }catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e){
           System.out.println("Encrypt Error - NoSuchAlgorithmException");
           sha = null;
       return sha;


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